Aboriginal community Our region boasts a proud Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, and a rich association to the culture and heritage of the First Peoples of Australia.
Australia Day awards We acknowledge the wonderful contributions that individuals and groups make to our communities.
Australian citizenship Council conducts citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Australian Government.
Community Conversations Councillors are coming to your area to speak with you. Submit a question and see the next scheduled meeting.
Community Directory Our online Community Directory contains contact information for community groups, organisations and other services in our region.
Gender equality We're committed to gender equality and supporting community, staff and Councillors to bring about significant change.
Volunteering in the community A new opportunity to connect and volunteer in the community. See opportunities and how to find a volunteer.
Gendering in a New Era in Sport The project aims to embed cultures of respect within clubs to aid in the prevention of domestic and family violence across the region.
Bike Ed School Program Mildura Rural City Council is supporting Mildura RoadSafe Community to deliver the Bike Ed program in schools.