Remember a local - Name a place campaign


Mildura Rural City Council is supporting Geographic Naming Victoria’s (GNV) Remember a Local – Name a Place campaign.

The campaign aims to help councils top up their name banks with commemorative naming ideas from the community.

This is your chance to nominate someone who has made a significant contribution to our region. Once approved by GNV, your nomination will be considered for a new place name in our region.

We’re particularly interested in honouring individuals from under-represented groups including women, First Nations and multicultural communities.

Anyone who has left a lasting legacy can be nominated. They may be known for community and volunteer work, healthcare, science, architecture and building, sport, arts, public or military service.

We are encouraging nominations to commemorate people from all backgrounds, identities and walks of life to ensure place naming reflects the rich diversity of our community.

Commemorative names recognise people who were held in high regard by the community, usually only after a person is deceased.

To be commemorated, the person will:

  • be deceased
  • have left a lasting legacy
  • have a long association with the nominated area.

Learn more, and complete the nomination process, at
Nominations close 16 December.

What is the Remember a Local - Name a Place campaign?

Remember a Local - Name a Place is a public campaign led by Geographic Names Victoria. All Victorians are invited to nominate someone who has made a significant contribution to be considered for commemoration in a place name.

Why is Mildura Rural City Council supporting the campaign?

The campaign will help us to top up our name bank with commemorative naming ideas from across our community. We want to make sure the names we consider will recognise people who have helped make our community a thriving place.

What is a name bank?

A name bank is a list or database of possible names, including commemorative names, which may be considered for use. Mildura Rural City Council will check our name bank when an opportunity to name a place in our region occurs. Having place naming information in the one spot makes it easier for us to consider diversity and equal representation in place naming.

How does the campaign work?

Members of the public can submit nominations by filling out a nomination form on the Engage Victoria website.

Geographic Naming Victoria (GNV) will review nominations, and also contact the nominator to let them know one of three possible outcomes:

  • the name has been sent to the relevant local council
  • the nomination form was incomplete and more information is required
  • the name was not commemorative, while providing more information on how to submit to their respective council

GNV will send the nominations to the relevant local councils. This will include:

  • all the information provided in the form
  • all attachments supplied

Is this campaign just for commemorative place names?

The focus is currently on commemorative names. If people have other names to suggest that are not after a person, they will be encouraged to explore the appropriate channels and process.

How long is the campaign open?

The campaign closes 16 December 2024.

How long can a name stay in a name bank?

It may take some time to find a good match between a name in the bank and a place that needs naming. We recognise that not all names in the name bank will be used.

Do you require family consent to make a nomination?

Anyone can make a nomination. If the name is being considered for use, Mildura Rural City Council will make every attempt to gain consent from the family of the person nominated for commemoration. You can refer to the Naming Rules for Places in Victoria website for more information.