Sustainable Gardening Workshop – May 4
Introducing edible perennials – Climate Friendly Food Growing – Presenter Online group session
4 May
10.30am to midday
Mildura Eco Village – Education Centre
Morning tea provided
Food growing is becoming increasingly popular. It’s often the starting point for many new gardeners. Deep rooted, sturdier and easier to grow than the popular annuals, perennials are the best addition to a food growers garden.
This session will introduce you to new edibles that are more resilient, flavoursome and nutritious. It will also discuss how perennial gardens create more shade, more cooling as well as provide stunning vistas in your patch. With less soil disturbance, perennial gardening helps build healthy soil and the talk will cover how they store more carbon under our feet and in their bodies and are being seen as playing an important role in mitigating against climate change.
Topics Covered
- What perennial food growing is and how you may already be doing it without even knowing!
- The advantages of growing perennial food for you and your local environment.
- How perennial edible gardening fits in with other gardening approaches and styles
- Where to start in your garden and what to consider in relation to design, soil, conditions and convenience
- The perennial herbs, fruits and vegetables that like certain soils and conditions you may have to offer
- The Top 12 Perennials to start off with and how to grow them
- Other resources you can use moving forward
Please register to attend via email:
Saturday, 04 May 2024 | 10:30 AM
- 12:00 PM
Mildura Eco Village, 15 Scherger Drive, Mildura, 3501, View Map
15 Scherger Drive ,
Mildura 3501
Mildura Eco Village
15 Scherger Drive ,
Mildura 3501
Sustainable Gardening Workshop – May 4