Write an Impressive Cover Letter
Visit the Skills and Jobs Centre for training and career advice.
Located within SuniTAFE on Benetook Avenue Mildura, we offer a variety of services to students, apprentices, trainees and job-seekers, in addition to business and industry clients. As part of our commitment to our students and business partners, we provide independent, cost-free advice on
- Study options
- Career planning
- Job seeker advice
- Access to other support services, and a range of other services.
For further information please contact us on 03 5022 3999 or email us at skillsandjobs@sunitafe.edu.au
Wednesday, 08 May 2024 | 10:30 AM
- 12:00 PM
Numbers are limited, so please register prior to the day
by phoning (03) 5024 3455
Red Cliffs Community Resource Centre, 23 Indi Avenue Red Cliffs, Red Cliffs, 3549, View Map
23 Indi Avenue Red Cliffs ,
Red Cliffs 3549
Red Cliffs Community Resource Centre
23 Indi Avenue Red Cliffs ,
Red Cliffs 3549
Write an Impressive Cover Letter