Personal Interests Returns
The Local Government Act 2020 requires Specified Persons of Mildura Rural City Council to complete Personal Interests Returns. Specified Persons include Councillors, Members of Delegated Committees, the Chief Executive Officer and Nominated Officers. An Initial Return is required to be submitted within 30 days of commencement in a role. Biannual Returns are required to be submitted in March and September of each year.
The matters required to be disclosed in Personal Interests Returns are prescribed by the Local Government (Governance and Integrity Regulations) 2020. Penalties apply for false or incomplete Personal Interests Returns, and for failing to lodge within the legislated time frames.
Council is required to publish a summary of Personal Interests Returns on its website and make it available for inspection at the Council offices.
The summary must include:
- Name of the Specified Person
- Position of the Specified Person
- Date the Return was submitted
- All information disclosed in the Return excluding:
- monetary value or amount of income, shares, any beneficial interests other than shares or income, or any debt
- the street address and number of any land owned by the specified person, or in which the specified person has a beneficial interest, if the land is the principal place of residence of any person
The summary of Biannual Returns submitted in September 2024 is available below.