For potential election candidates

The Municipal Association of Victoria, Local Government Victoria and the Victorian Electoral Commission are partnering with Victorian councils to provide a wealth of information to help support prospective Local Government election candidates.

By clinking through the links on this page you can find information about:

  • Local government and the important role councils play for our local communities
  • The role and responsibilities of a Councillor, Mayor, Deputy Mayor and CEO
  • The election process and candidate requirements
  • What newly elected councillors can expect soon after the elections
  • Councillor training and development opportunities.

Can I stand for Council?

A person can nominate as a candidate if they are qualified to be a Councillor under the  Local Government Act 2020. There is more information on eligibility requirements at Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC).

If a person wishes to be a candidate, they also need to be on the voters roll for the Council they want to stand for. Candidates can nominate for any ward in the municipality, even if they aren’t enrolled in that ward.

Mandatory candidate training

Local Government Victoria and the Victorian Electoral Commission require people to meet certain eligibility criteria in order to become a council election candidate. This includes undertaking a mandatory candidate training session provided by the Victorian Government.

Support for Councillors once elected

Once elected, Councillors have a broad range of supports available to help them represent their community. These include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Vehicle access to attend community events
  • Support for training
  • Reimbursement for relevant travel expenses
  • Laptops and mobile phones

Candidate Information Sessions

Mallee Track - completed
Wednesday, 17 July (drop in session)
11am – 5pm
Ouyen Service Centre
79 Oke Street, Ouyen

Mildura - completed

Wednesday, 31 July
1pm – 2pm

Thursday, 1 August
6pm – 7pm

Mildura Rural City Council Deakin Avenue Service Centre
Committee Room
76 Deakin Avenue, Mildura

Swan Hill: MAV Loddon Campaspe Mallee session- completed

Wednesday, 7 August (online and in-person)
6.30pm – 8.30pm
Swan Hill Performing Arts Venue
53-57 McCallum Street, Swan Hill