Environmental Health Fees

Fees valid from 1 July 2024
* Fee includes GST
For more information on our Environmental Health Services click here

Food Premises Registration 

Class 1 - New Premises Application to Register each $670.00
Class 2 - New Premises Application to Register each $655.00
Class 3 - New Premises Application to Register each $469.00
Class 1 - Annual Renewal of Registration Per year $446.00
Class 2 - Annual Renewal of Registration Per year $436.00
Class 3 - Annual Renewal of Registration Per year $284.00
Class 2 - New Premises Application to Register Not for Profit, Community Group, School Canteen each $326.00
Class 3 -  New Premises Application to Register Not for Profit, Community Group, School Canteen each $234.00
Class 1, 2 & 3 - More than EFT 5 persons employed per person $31.00
Max $4000.00 per Premises 
Class 2 - Community Group, Not For Profit, School Canteen - Annual Renewal of Registration Per year $218.00
Class 3 - Community Group, Not For Profit, School Canteen - Renewal Annual Registration Per year $145.00
Class 1, 2, 3 Additional Inspections After 2 Non-Compliance Inspections each $223.00
One set fee for each Class
Temporary Events / Festivals per Day per day $88.00
Certificate of Registration Replacement each $38.00
Analysis Certificate Extract each $38.00
Food Sampling Cost of Retest each $300.00
Class 1,2,3 & 4 Premise pre inspection request each $133.00
Includes inspection report 
Community Group Temporary Events / Festivals per day $43.00
Class 2 Small Scale Part-Time Homebased Food Premises - Annual Renewal Of Registration Per year $218.00
Class 3 Small Scale, Part-Time Homebased Food Premises - Annual Renewal Of Registration Per year $145.00
Class 3 Water Carters and Vending Machines Per year $212.00
Class 2 - New Premises Application to Register Small Scale, Part-time Homebased food Premises each $326.00
Class 3 - New Premises Application to Register Small Scale, Part-time Homebased food Premises each $234.00
Class 3 - New Premises Application to Register Water Carter and Vending Machines each $277.00
Class 3A - New Premises Application to Register  Per year  $468.00
Class 3A - New Premises Application to Register Small Scale, Part-Time Homebased Food Premises Per year  $234.00
Class 3A - New Premises Application to Register Community group. Not For Profit, School Canteen Per year  $234.00
Class 3A - Renewal Annual Registration  Per year  $284.00
Class 3A - Small Scale, Part-Time Homebased - Renewal Annual Registration  Per year  $145.00
Class 3A - Community Group, Not For Profit, School Canteen - Renewal Annual Registration Per year  $145.00


Waste Water Treatment

OWMS - Additional site inspection each $86.00
OWMS - Plan Search each $62.00
Septic Tank - Building Report & Consent each $320.20
OWMS - Construct, install or alter each $798.20
As per schedule (minimum fee 48.88 fee units (for assessments not exceeding 8.2 hours) with an additional 6.12 fee units payable per hour of assessment (exceeding 8.2 hours) up to a maximum of 135.43 fee units). Fee Unit currently $16.33 as 1st July 2024.
OWMS - Minor alteration each $608.20
OWMS - Transfer a permit each $162.00
OWMS - Amend a permit each $169.50
OWMS - Renew a permit each $135.70
OWMS - Exemption each $239.50
As per schedule (minimum fee will be 14.67 fee units (for assessments not exceeding 2.6 hours) with an additional 5.94 fee units payable per hour (or part of an hour) of assessment (exceeding 2.6 hours) up to a maximum of 61.41 fee units). Fee Unit currently $16.33 as 1st July 2024.


Prescribed Accommodation Standards

Urgent Transfer of Registration 5 Days or Less each $398.00
Transfer of Registration each $277.00
Application to Register New Premises each $396.00
Application to Renew Registration each $264.00
Additional Inspection After 2 Non-Compliance Inspections


each $224.00
Premises Pre-Inspection Request  each  $134.00 Includes an Inspection Report
Caravan Parks - Transfer Fee 5 Fee Units each $81.50
Caravan Parks - Tri-Annual Renewal of Registration Lodged Prior to 1 October 2020 each $0.00
Number of fee units as per Schedule 2 - e.g. up to 25 sites = 17 fee units, 26-50 sites = 34 fee units, 51-99 sites 68 fee units etc. Fee Unit currently $15.90 as 1st July 2023.
Caravan Parks - Application to Register New Premises each $0.00
Number of fee units as per Schedule 2 - e.g. up to 25 sites = 17 fee units, 26-50 sites = 34 fee units, 51-99 sites 68 fee units etc. Fee Unit currently $15.90 as 1st July 2023.
Caravan Parks - Inspection Fee Request each $330.00


Communicable Diseases

Note: Registered Premises other than Aquatic Facilities and Prescribed Accommodation charges under the Public Health & Wellbeing Act

Urgent Transfer each $398.00
Application for New Premises Single Procedure each $414.00
Single Procedure Renewal of Registration each $277.00
Transfer of Registration each $277.00
Multiple Procedure Renewal of Registration each $409.00
Application for New Premises Multiple Procedure each $615.00
Certificate Replacement & Register Extracts each $38.00
Director of Housing Declarations - Cancellation on Title each $250.00
Additional Inspections (After 2 Non-Compliance Inspections) each $223.00
Premises Pre Inspection Request each $134.00
Once-off Hairdressing & Cosmetic Application (Including Henna Tattooing & Face Painting) Application for New Premises Registration each $300.00


Late Fee – Registrations

Failure to renew registration by 31 December each $169.00


Category 1 Aquatic Facilities

Registration each $218.00
Renewal of Registration each $164.00
Transfer of Registration each $218.00
Microbiological Water Sampling - request for test and Retest each $304.00