Feast Street


Mildura Rural City Council has endorsed a preferred concept to transform Feast Street into an even more vibrant, attractive and entertaining precinct as part of the CBD Revitalisation Project.

The concept is based on a shared street design, replacing existing outdoor dining structures with attractive vine-laden pergola-like shelters running the length of both sides of the popular eatery strip.

Other features include:

  • New tree-planting to provide more shade and amenity, creating a cooler, greener environment
  • Widened footpaths
  • Shared street with flush kerbs, providing improved pedestrian amenity and safety for pedestrians, as well as more flexibility for events
  • New landscaped gateways at Seventh and Eighth Streets
  • Parallel car parking in Langtree Avenue and additional angle parking in Seventh Street
  • Footpath-level street crossings
  • Feature planters
  • Public art opportunities, including wayfinding and storytelling sculptures and light boxes
  • New lighting, including feature lighting.

Work is progressing to deliver a detailed shovel-ready design which will be used to attract the necessary funding to complete the project.


Feedback was collected in late 2022 on a series of CBD-focused implementations attached to the Mildura CBD Plan 2020-2035. Developed by the experienced urban design and social planning consultancy Jensen PLUS, focused assessments around design and accessibility for the CBD have been conducted alongside an extensive period of stakeholder consultation.

More than 160 public submissions were received regarding these ideas and concepts, with the key themes identified including parking availability, support for more outdoor dining spaces, accessibility for the elderly and disabled, and ensuring the CBD becomes a greener space.

An emerging series of concept designs were presented back to Mildura Rural City Council, which included a range of upgrade and development opportunities for prominent areas of the CBD. These are focused around key areas of consideration, including:

  • Access and connectivity enhancements for residents and visitors
  • Connecting the Mildura CBD to the Riverfront
  • Economic development and investment attraction
  • Improved amenity and wayfinding throughout the CBD
  • Revitalisation and regeneration of public realms

Jensen Plus along with local sub-consultants Aspire and Tonkin were then engaged to develop 70% detailed design drawings on Concept C (Green Dining Arbour and Shared Street) for Feast Street.

In December 2023, Jensen Plus conducted a site visit of Feast Street, facilitated consultation workshops with Council staff and held an inception meeting with the Feast Street Reference Group, with members representing business and property owners in Feast Street and the wider CBD.

The initial 30% design package, which proposes softscape, hardscape and architectural features including new plantings, car parking and arbour structures was issued for review in mid-February 2024.

This represented a ‘Design only’, high-profile project with highly invested stakeholders. Spending sufficient time reviewing the 30% package with project stakeholders is an important step.  This process has been engaging and informative. The package will now progress toward the 70% milestone. 

The focus is on future-proofing the area while taking into consideration community, tourism and business needs now and into the future.

Further work also needs to be undertaken to ensure greater connection and activation of the wider CBD and Riverfront Precincts following the activation of the Trail of Lights exhibition at Lock Island in 2025.

How much is the project expected to cost?

Initial estimates indicates a cost of $10million to deliver the preferred concept.

Council has committed the funds to commission architects to deliver a detailed, shovel ready final design for Feast Street. This is to be used to attract federal and state government funding required to deliver the project.

Council is currently assessing how this project can form part of a wider series of identified investable priorities for the Mildura CBD.

What will happen to existing carparking in Feast Street?

There is adequate supply of parking within the CBD, and Council has considered how carparks work in with the streetscape and affect the overall safety and accessibility of the CBD.

On-street parking in Feast Street will be reconfigured into a mix of parallel and 90-degree parking, with additional parking provided on nearby Seventh Street. Future opportunities to develop more carparking in the CBD are also being explored.