Langtree Mall Placemaking


Mildura Rural City Council, with support from the Victorian Government and Mildura City Heart Inc. is delivering four Placemaking Projects in the Langtree Mall.

Forming part of Council’s CBD Revitalisation Project, the following projects will be established in the mall:

  • A grassed area for people to use near the existing stage
  • Planter boxes including more plants and trees to provide shade
  • Structures with reactive lighting
  • Misters to use during the warmer months

Work will start in early September and is scheduled to be completed in November.

Budget: This initiative has been made possible thanks to $933,244 in joint funding from the Victorian Government, Mildura Rural City Council and Mildura City Heart Inc.

Will Langtree Mall be closed at any point while works are carried out?

The impact on Mildura City Heart traders and patrons is expected to be minimal throughout the installation period. Patrons will notice site preparation works and fenced off areas over the coming months and are encouraged to follow any signage in place. Council is working closely with Mildura City Heart management and traders to ensure they are kept informed of works and any impacts.  There will be no impact to parking or restricted access to businesses in the Mall during this time.

Will Council remove the existing ‘River’ paving as part of the project?

No. This paving is a key feature of the Langtree Mall and will be retained and incorporated with the new placemaking initiatives.