CBD Revitalisation Project

Mildura Rural City Council is moving ahead with The CBD Revitalisation Project, which forms part of the Mildura CBD Plan 2020-2035(PDF, 48MB).

Both projects aim to review commercial supply, demand and configuration issues to deliver economic benefits to the Mildura CBD and broader municipality.

The key components of the project include:

  • Undertaking an Economic Feasibility Study
  • Develop an Investment Prospectus for the CBD
  • Undertake a connectivity/permeability study with a focus on the mall and to the upper area of Langtree Avenue
  • Commence the Langtree Avenue Placemaking Project (currently underway)
  • Commence the Feast Street Upgrade Project leading to adoption of concept plans/designs to deliver this project

The Mildura CBD includes land from Seventh Street to Eleventh Street and from Walnut Avenue to San Mateo Avenue. The length of Deakin Avenue to Fifteenth Street is also included within the CBD boundary.

A range of enhancement and revitalisation opportunities are also being considered as part of this work based on land assessment and future economic growth potential for the CBD.

This includes significant ‘anchor’ land development priorities, high-level assessments for improvements to East-West connectivity, new community facilities, laneway designs and activation concepts, dedicated parking structures, additional and/or improved public amenities, landscaping/greening initiatives, and public art planning.

The overall vision is to establish a responsive, resilient and people-oriented centre for community life that is multi-purpose and supported by sustainable economic growth.

Find out more about this initiative in the links below, or contact our Project Development Office on 03 5018 8100 during business hours.