Mildura CBD 30km/h speed limit trial - Public sentiment
The Mildura CBD 30km/h speed limit trial has concluded.
Mildura Rural City Council has engaged Wallis Social Research Group to conduct a community sentiment survey from Tuesday 7 May 2024 to Monday 3 June 2024.
Residents may be contacted by Wallis Group representatives during this time to provide their feedback on the trial. Initial contact with residents will be via SMS or a direct phone call.
The change in speed limit was implemented to deliver actions identified in the Mildura CBD Access and Mobility Strategy, which aimed to create an economically vibrant and safer CBD where all people, particularly children, older people and people living with disabilities feel safer when visiting local shops and services.
Lower speed saves lives. The survival rate of a person hit by a car improves from 50% at 40km/h to 90% at 30km/h.
The 30km/h limit will remain in place from Deakin Avenue to Pine Avenue and between Seventh Street and Tenth Street until further notice.
Deakin Avenue and Seventh Street is not included.
Lowering the speed limit is helping to make the CBD more vibrant, encouraging more walking and cycling activities. These types of activities offer wider health benefits to the community.
Reduction in traffic noise levels and pollution has also enhanced trade activities within the CBD.
Lower speed saves lives. The survival rate of a person hit by a car improves from 50% at 40km/h to 90% at 30km/h.
Pedestrian and cyclists feel safer when riding on CBD roads, as motorists travelling at a lower speed will experience better reaction times to avoid collisions.
In addition, there are several other economic benefits too, which are outlined in the Mildura CBD Access and Mobility Strategy
Yes. The speed limit will remain at 30km/h until further notice.