How rates are calculated

Council uses an equity-based system to charge municipal rates. Generally, the principle is that higher value properties pay a higher share of rates.  All rates are calculated based on the Capital Improved Value (CIV) of a property which is determined through a valuation process every year.  The CIV is then multiplied by the Rate in the Dollar.  The Rate in the Dollar is determined by dividing the total rate revenue required to fund Council’s projected operating budget by the total CIV of all rateable properties in the municipality.

For 2024/25 Council has four differential rates for different property groups and a rate for properties defined under the Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963.

Rate type

Rate in the
dollar CIV (cents)

For example



A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $1581.78 in rates   

Dry Land Farm


A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $1,423.60 in rates

Irrigated Farm


A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $1,423.60 in rates



A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $2,056.13 in rates

Cultural and Recreational


A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $158.18 in rates

Special Rate

Properties located within the boundary of the defined Mildura City Heart precinct and classified as business are charged an additional special rate. Funds raised through the special rate are used by Mildura City Heart Inc. to promote and improve the Mildura City Heart to provide a unique, quality, lifestyle experience. Their primary purpose is to develop, market and promote the CBD. All rateable properties are levied 0.00247446 cents in the dollar multiplied by the CIV. This money goes straight to Mildura City Heart Inc. and does not go to Council.

For more information regarding Mildura City Heart Inc. visit:

What does Mildura City Heart do and what are the benefits of the Special Rate for my business?

Mildura City Heart (MCH) delivers a continuing and co-ordinated marketing program to which every business contributes and provides a range of benefits to all traders within the CBD precinct.  

The impact the Special Rate has for members is:

  • Building business confidence through engagement, projects, events, marketing, promotions, and activations, leading to occupancy rates the highest they’ve been in over 10 years. 
  • Participating in Mildura City Heart Gift Card program via your EFTPOS machine. In 2022/2023 more than $463,000 of gift cards were issued by the MCH office, up a staggering 266% over the current Special Rate period, capturing discretionary spend to create income for over 200 businesses in the precinct.
  • Collective advertising and marketing power (traditional and digital media) promoting the precinct locally, across Victoria and into NSW and SA. This supports the growth of tourism in the region, increasing foot traffic, and promoting MCH as the shopping destination for locals and visitors alike. 
  • A continued and improved program of events throughout the MCH precinct including, but not limited to, school holiday activities, Easter Power Sports Show & Shine, fashion events, Mildura Wentworth Music Festival, SMECC Multicultural Festival, Goanna Run Kustom Kulture Festival, Christmas in the City and about 150 small community events annually generating CBD foot traffic.
  • MCH-led placemaking activities including beautifying our streets with flags and banners, mural art, greenery, soundscapes, lighting, and year-round games and activities in the Langtree Mall.
  • Provision of equipment to support business activities including marquees, trestles, chairs, PA system, and games for traders to loan free of charge. 
  • Advocating for cleaner and safer streets and greener cities through Mildura Rural City Council’s CBD Revitalisation Project, including the Feast Street Upgrade, Langtree Mall Placemaking, CBD Access and Mobility and economic development opportunities to beautify and grow our CBD.
  • Opportunities to participate in trader networking events, access to various training programs and business events.
  • Maintaining strong brand awareness for the precinct through the ongoing development of MCH’s visual brand identity to engage and attract people to the precinct.

For further information about Mildura City Heart’s Strategic and Business Plans and Annual Reports go to 

Who collects the Special Rate?

If adopted, the new Special Rate will be levied by Mildura Rural City Council via annual rates notices and passed on to Mildura City Heart Inc.

How much will be raised by the Special Rate?

If the Special Rate for 2024-2030 is adopted it will raise the following funds:

1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025


1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026


1 July 2026 to 30 June 2027


1 July 2027 to 30 June 2028


1 July 2028 to 30 June 2029


1 July 2029 to 30 June 2030


How much will my business pay towards the Special Rate?

The Special Rate rate-in-the-dollar is determined by dividing the total amount to be raised, by the combined total Capital Improved Value (CIV) of all rateable properties. In 2023-2024 the rate-in-the-dollar is $0.00255758.

To calculate your contribution, multiply the CIV on your rate notice by the rate-in-the-dollar. For example, if your CIV is $600,000 the calculation for 2023-2024 would be as follows:

$600,000 x $0.00255758 = $1,534.55

From 1 July 2024 the Special Rate rate-in-the-dollar is estimated to be $0.002611762 based on current valuations. This figure is subject to change once the 2024 valuations are known.

When will the Special Rate come into effect? And for how long?

Businesses in the MCH boundary are already participating in the Special Rate, which has now been in place for two terms.

The first term was a three-and-a-half-year period from 1 January 2016 to 30 June 2019.

The second term was a five-year period from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2024.

To improve investment stability in small business, MCH has requested the third term be for six years. If a third term of the Special Rate is implemented, it would begin on 1 July 2024 and end 30 June 2030.

What happens if the Special Rate is not implemented?

If the Special Rate does not come into effect, MCH will no longer be able to operate the Traders Association as there will be no other collaborative and efficient means of collecting funding.

It would mean MCH ceases to exist and would no longer be able to deliver the benefits it provides the CBD traders. 

Fire Services Property Levy

The Fire Services Property Levy (FSPL) was introduced by the State Government on 1 July 2013 as recommended by the Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission.  Rather than contributing to Victoria’s fire services through insurance premiums, a property-based levy is collected with Council rates and is comprised of two components; a fixed and a variable.  This money goes straight to the State Government and does not go to Council.  An exemption from paying the Fixed Charge on multiple properties may apply where a Single Farm Enterprise is operating.

The fixed component is a flat rate charged per property.  The variable component is calculated using the Capital Improved Value (CIV) of a property which is determined through a valuation process undertaken every year. The CIV is then multiplied by the Rate in the Dollar to determine the variable component.

Rate Type Variable Rate in $ Fixed For Example
Residential 0.000087 $132.00 A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $162.45 (Fixed $132 + Variable $30.45)
Primary Production        0.000287 $267.00 A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $367.45 (Fixed $267 + Variable $100.45)
Commercial 0.000664 $267.00 A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $499.40 (Fixed $267 + Variable $232.40)
Industrial 0.000811 $267.00 A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $550.85 (Fixed $267 + Variable $283.85)
Public Benefit 0.000057 $267.00 A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $286.95 (Fixed $267 + Variable $19.95)
Vacant (excluding residential) 0.000290 $267.00 A property with a CIV of $350,000 would raise $368.50 (Fixed $267.00 + Variable $101.50)

For more information about the Fire Services Property Levy please visit: Fire Services Property Levy website

For further information on Victorian concessions please refer to our Concessions page or call the Concession Information Line on 1800 658 521.

Waste Management Charge

This charge is applied to all properties where a kerbside waste collection or street sweeping service is available, including vacant land.

Waste Management only receives funding via rates through the separate waste management charge. This charge pays for all waste services and not just kerbside bins. It also pays for the operation of landfills and transfer stations across the entire region, public litter bins, street sweeping, illegal dumping clean up, waste education and for the future rehabilitation and aftercare of all of our landfill sites.

Commercial properties may opt out of our kerbside service if they can demonstrate they are recycling and diverting their waste like you would do using the three kerbside bins. However, a reduced waste management charge (excluding kerbside costs) will still apply.

2024-25 Financial Year Waste Management Charges

 Type  Category Cost
Non-business land 120 litre rubbish bin + 240 litre recycling bin + 240 litre organics bin + 120 litre glass bin $529.69 per year
Business land 120 litre rubbish bin + 240 litre recycling bin + 240 litre organics bin $549.57 per year
Business land – add. service 120 litre rubbish bin $229.40 per year
Business land – add. service

240 litre recycling bin

$153.37 per year
Business land – add. service 240 litre organics bin $180.68 per year
Business land – optional service  120 litre glass bin  76.60
Non-business land (vacant land) $191.05 per year
Business land (vacant land) $219.45 per year
Non-business land – add. service                120 litre rubbish bin          $158.05 per year
Non-business land – add. service                240 litre organics bin        $180.68 per year
Non-business land – add. service                240 litre recycling bin       $153.37 per year