Community Banner Program

Christmas Flag installed.png

Promote your events and activities in the Mildura region with banners.

Banners provide a vibrant and strong visual presence within the town and can help you establish your marketing campaign on a large and impressive scale.

Our Community Banner Program is designed to:

  • Promote events and activities that the public can attend, or engage in, that are being held in the municipality
  • Recognise and celebrate significant dates, including commemorations, celebrations and awareness eg. International Women's Day, NAIDOC week, ANZAC Day
  • Visually enhance the Mildura streetscape
  • Create a sense of community and a sense of place within the region
  • Stimulate local economic activity

The Banner Program is not intended as a medium for:

  • Advertising commercial sponsors or promoting brands
  • Flying national flags or cause-related flags
  • Promoting events, industry days and trade shows that the general public cannot attend
  • Promoting private functions or events that the general public cannot attend
  • Marketing activities such as product promotion, launches and media announcements

To book the use of the systems, complete our online form below.

Book now