Event Funding & Support


Mildura Rural City Council is committed to supporting events, which provide an opportunity to grow the visitor economy for the Mildura region. We are looking for events which encourage the engagement with local businesses to deliver the event, stimulate the local economy and provide an opportunity for locals to engage and participate in the community.

For more information or to discuss your application please contact us on 03 5018 8100 or email events@mildura.vic.gov.au.

Annual Event Funding & Support Grant Round

Mildura Rural City Council is committed to supporting events within the municipality and recognises the value of events to both the economy and community.
Our aim is to be known as a vibrant event destination, famous for events that celebrate our iconic locations on Murray River and vivid ancient landscapes, captivating visitor imaginations.

Our Annual Event Funding and Support Grants support events and help to position our region as a major event destination with a year round calendar of events. The grants include categories for hallmark, major and community events.

Applications open February 2025.  

Please call the Events Team on 03 5018 8100 to discuss your event.

Event Funding & Support Guidelines(PDF, 581KB)

Events Funding & Support Policy(PDF, 456KB)

Answering the Application Questions(PDF, 489KB)

MRCC Auspicing Fact Sheet(PDF, 1MB)

Fund / Description

Economic Benefit

Funding amount

Application Round

Hallmark Events (Tier 1)

May be supported where the event drives overnight visitor expenditure, showcases Mildura, creates a vibrant and sustainable event and encourage community connectedness and pride through participation.

>$3M with minimum 10,000 unique visitors to the region


Open all year


$37,501- $50,000

Annual Funding Round open February.

Multi-year agreements available subject to conditions as outlined below.

$1.51 - $1.99M

$25,001- $37,500


$20,001- $25,000

Major Events (Tier 2)

May be supported where the event is established and drives overnight visitor expenditure, showcases Mildura, creates a vibrant and sustainable event and encourage community connectedness and pride through participation.


$15,001- $20,000

$0.51 - $0.75M

$10,001- $15,000

$0.25 - $0.5M

$7,501 - $10,000

$0.15 - $0.249M

$5,001 - $7,500

Community Events (Tier 3)

Events that generate marketing and media opportunities that builds the profile of the Mildura region and/or attract over 1000 people and are targeted primarily at a local audience but also attract visitation from outside the region.


$3,500- $5,000

Annual Funding Round open February

Community Events (Event Support Grant)

For small events attracting less than 1000 people, a non-competitive grant Is available. The event contributes to making Mildura a great place to live; creates a sense of community by bringing people together; and delivers important messages, information and knowledge.



Annual Funding Round open February


For detailed information regarding funding, please refer to the Event Funding and Support Policy document above.

Business Event Funding

Funding support is available to assist hosting your next business event in Mildura. For more information, please click on the link below.

Click Here for information about Funding and Support(PDF, 456KB)

To apply for funding, please click on the "Apply Now" button.

Apply Now

Civic Event Grant Round

The annual Civic Event Grant Round supports local community groups to deliver Christmas Carols and Australia Day events.

Applications for 2023 Carols & 2024 Australia Day events will be open in September 2023.

Fund / Description

Economic Benefit

Funding amount

Application Round

Civic Events

Support for community led Australia Day & Christmas Carols events to enhance community spirit and encourage participation across the community.


As outlined in appendix A

Annual Funding Round open September


For detailed information regarding funding, please refer to the Event Funding and Support Policy document in the Annual Event Funding and Support Grant accordion above.