Printing and scanning Printing and scanning is available from all library computers, except the Outreach Service stops.
Book Clubs A book club is a group of up to 12 people who meet monthly to discuss a book selected from the collection at the Mildura Library. Find out how to join a book club, or start your own!
Meeting Rooms Rooms suitable for meetings, small workshops and group training are available for hire at Mildura, Red Cliffs, Merbein and Ouyen libraries.
Home Library Our Home Library service is available to all residents who have difficulty visiting the library because of illness, frailty or disability.
Seed Library Want to grow your own vegetables and herbs?Find out how to borrow seeds from our libraries.
Preservation Station Transfer your precious family photographs, slides, negatives, personal DVDs, videos and documents by creating digital copies at Mildura Rural City Council Libraries Preservation Stations.
Tech Hub Welcome to Tech Hub. Learn to use technology confidently and safely with our hands-on tech help sessions.