A message from the Mayor - Deakin Avenue Urban Design
Published on 02 May 2016
In May last year Council started work on a very important strategic document for the future of our most iconic boulevard, Deakin Avenue. And after twelve months of research, consultation and robust discussion, the Draft Deakin Avenue Urban Design Guidelines are now out for final public comment.
The Deakin Avenue Urban Design Guidelines will set the framework for any new construction or development along the entire length of Deakin Avenue, from Seventh Street through to the bend just past Seventeenth Street. This document will give our planners, developers, builders and people who own property on Deakin Avenue guidance as to what sort of development is appropriate for each distinct precinct of this major roadway.
The Guidelines now highlight the five distinct precincts along Deakin Avenue:
- Horticultural Edge Precinct – from the bend near the airport to Seventeenth Street
- Residential Precinct - Seventeenth Street to just before Fifteenth Street
- City Gate – Fifteenth Street to Aldinga Drive
- Mixed Use – Aldinga Drive to Eleventh Street
- City Core – Eleventh Street to Seventh Street
Each of the precincts or areas have been identified because they have their own feel and style. For example the Horticultural precinct is defined as the gateway in to Mildura with a focus on farming uses and large setbacks from the road. On the other hand the City Gate at Fifteenth Street see the transition into the city fringe and the introduction of mixed use developments.
It’s important we maintain the integrity of these areas and as such, the plans look to ensure future developments compliment what is currently there. We know what is suitable for the Seventh Street end of Deakin Avenue is not necessarily going to be what suits the Seventeenth Street area and as such each precinct will have individual guidelines focusing on key elements of built form, landscaping, lighting and safety and access and movement.
I really encourage everyone to have a close look at the draft guidelines and see if the proposals resonate with you and with your thoughts on how Deakin Avenue should be developed into the future.
Remember – the Draft Deakin Avenue Urban Design Guidelines relate to the buildings and infrastructure along either side of Deakin Avenue and NOT the median strip between Seventh and Fifteenths Streets. As I have mentioned in previous discussions, these are two separate but complimentary projects and the plans for the rejuvenation of the median strip on Deakin Avenue between Ninth and Tenth Street are also available from Council offices. We will be sharing lots more information about the median works in the coming months.
All these works, which include the linking the riverfront to the CBD, are part of our plan to ensure we have an amazing, modern city that recognises its history and is ready for the future.
The draft Deakin Avenue Urban Design Guidelines will be open for comment until Friday 20 May 2016 and can be downloaded from Council’s website at www.mildura.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay, with hard copies available at Council’s Service Centres.
Cr Glenn Milne