A message from the Mayor - Shop locally

Published on 07 December 2015

With only 18 more days until the Christmas, I would like to ask you all to do your bit to keep our local economy growing by doing your holiday shopping locally.

We live in a fantastic multicultural community and while not everyone will celebrate Christmas, the act of giving thanks to those who we care about seems to be universal during this time.  

If you are going to buy gifts, then have a look at what our local independent retailers have on offer.

So why shop locally?

Apart from the obvious reasons such as supporting local jobs, locally owned businesses tend to spend return your investment in their business back into the local economy.  When you spend a dollar at a local store, you are supporting not only that business, but other jobs and businesses in the community.  Local businesses use local services such as cleaning contractors and accountants, to service their business.  

Locally owned businesses are also more likely to buy the goods they stock locally, in turn supporting the manufacturing industry. 
Figures released by Mildura Development Corporation in their 2014 Regional Overview show that almost 13% of our regions workforce are employed directly in the retail trade across our greater region, generating $282.121million per year.

Even the big-box retail stores have a role to play in supporting our local economy. While it can be argued much of their revenue leaves the community, they often employ a large number of staff and the wages they pay to those people, are in turn spent in the community.  

We’re really lucky to have a wide range and variety of retail options available locally.  From independent and pop-up stores, to chain outlets and franchises, to the many community markets, we are spoilt for choice.

The only way for us to maintain our retail industry is to support it.

One of the main threats to our local retail industry is obviously the move towards online shopping.  As our lives get busier and with people working longer hours, it can often seem more convenient to log-on to the computer at home in your spare time and do some shopping.  But if this becomes the main way we shop, then it may one day be the only option.  

Getting out and spending time with friends or family and wandering through our retail hubs is also good for your mental health and your sense of wellbeing.  Imagine if we no longer had the option of a Saturday morning stroll through the CBD or the plaza or any of our small town shopping precincts?

It’s not always about the purchase of goods, but about the whole experience that local shopping can offer.

Haven’t found what you’re looking for locally?  Ask a retailer, discuss with them what you need, talk about the options; make the local business your first choice. 

Cr Glenn Milne

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