A message from the Mayor - Stop domestic violence in our community
Published on 21 September 2015
I think most people in our community would be horrified by the recent reports of domestic violence occurring around of Australia in recent weeks. We’ve seen the death of women, mothers, sisters and daughters and yes, men, sons, brothers and fathers too.
I personally struggle to understand how anyone can assault or take the life of their spouse and/or child. I’ve always believed that a family unit is a safe place, secure for its members. It should be respected and protected by all its members, sadly however this is not always the case in our society.
While publicised local events have shocked our community, it’s terrifying to think about the hidden violence we’re not seeing publically.
I wrote a few weeks ago during National Child Protection Week about the importance of protecting our children from abuse and neglect. But we must take this further. We must take a stand for our families, our friends and our children to protect them from such atrocities and to ensure the vulnerable in our community remain safe.
Mildura Rural City Council is committed to taking a stand to help stop violence against women through the White Ribbon campaign. We have put in place a number of measures to support staff who have been the victims of domestic violence and to ensure work is a safe place for all employees. If you’re an employer, ask yourself – am I doing all I can to protect and support the people who support me in my business? Looking at the statistics, chances are someone you work with will be experiencing domestic violence and may be suffering in silence.
If we all commit ourselves to taking responsibility for our actions, to care for our families and each other, to seeking help if we have personal issues and to treating each other with care and respect, we can change our region and more importantly, change our own world.
Family violence is never acceptable or excusable in any form, in any family. If you are a victim or are aware of a potential risk of violence please seek assistance or advice and take whatever steps you can safely take to protect yourself and those around you.
There is help out there – both for victims and for people who feel they may be at risk of losing control and losing the ones they love.
Victims of domestic violence can contact Mallee Domestic Violence Services for example, who have a 24-hour help line. You can call them on (03)5021 2130 at any time.
Sunraysia Community Health Services also offer programs such as the Men’s Behaviour Change Program which helps men who are trying to change the way they interact and react in stressful or difficult times. You don’t need a referral to access this program – just give them a call on (03) 5022 5444 or pop in and ask to see someone.
There are lots of other great services and supports available both locally and from national bodies, but if you do feel that you are in immediate danger, please never hesitate to call 000.
Please, let’s not allow domestic violence to go unchallenged this continue in our community.
Cr Glenn Milne