Buildings light up in support of our elderly
Published on 14 June 2016
Iconic Mildura landmarks will turn a shade of purple this week as a show of support for our elderly residents.
Purple is the colour used to symbolise World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) which is commemorated internationally on 15 June, with local events being held on during the week to promote respect and dignity for our older residents.
The Carnegie Library, Rio Vista Historic House and the Grand Hotel will be lit purple on Wednesday and Thursday evenings to highlight this sometimes hidden issue.
Mildura Rural City Council’s Community Wellbeing and Services portfolio Councillor Sharyon Peart said the World Health Organisation statistics show elder abuse affects almost 10% of older people worldwide, making the issue one which needs more public attention.
Figures from the National Ageing Research Institute of Seniors Rights Victoria indicate the most common forms of reported abuse are financial and psychological abuse, with older women more likely to be victims.
“Elder Abuse can take on many different forms,” Cr Peart explained. “It may involve taking someone’s money or possessions, not providing necessary care, making threats or stopping an older person’s social contacts. There are also instances of physical or sexual abuse as well.
“One of the saddest facts is that more than 92% of reported abuse is carried out by someone in a position of trust, such as family members or friends.”
An Elder Abuse Awareness Expo will also be held in the Langtree Mall on Friday 17 June from 12noon, with support service provides available to discuss this often hidden tragedy.
“Older people don’t have to put up with abuse and have the right to live with dignity and safety,” said Cr Peart.
“As our population ages, the number of people affected will increase, so it’s more important than ever that we raise awareness of elder abuse and challenge negative attitudes towards ageing.”
Council’s Aged and Disability staff are also encouraging everyone in the community to wear something purple on Friday 17 June to highlight this important social issue.
“We really want to get the message out there and encourage people to report instances of Elder Abuse to the appropriate authorities,” said Cr Peart. “Often the people who are subject to abuse are vulnerable and may not be in a position to speak up for themselves, but there is help available.”
More information about Elder Abuse is available from or by contacting Seniors Rights Victoria on 1300 368 821.
Media enquiries
Angela Umback
p) (03) 5018 8689