Council to consider single economic development and tourism entity

Published on 19 October 2015

Mildura Rural City Council will this week consider transitioning its independent economic development and tourism functions in to one single entity that represents the Mildura region.

A report recommending the transition by 30 June 2016 will be tabled at Thursday’s Ordinary Council Meeting for Councillors to consider. It follows months of collaboration between Mildura Development Corporation (MDC), Mildura Tourism (MT) and Mildura Rural City Council.

Council CEO Gerard José said MDC and MT had committed to collaboratively work towards the development and implementation of a new single entity. This entity would remain independent of Council.

“While funded by Council, Mildura Tourism and Mildura Development Corporation have operated independently as separate entities for some time,” Mr José said.

“Both bodies are very successful in their own right, however there are many potential benefits to a new integrated Australian-best practice model to champion the growth and prosperity of the Mildura region.”

The Council report also recommends the appointment of an external facilitator to thoroughly research considerations and structures relevant to all entities associated with the transition. Current MT and MDC’s Memorandums of Understanding will be held over until 30 June 2017 to accommodate the transition.

“Council, MDC and MT would work together towards this outcome to ensure the Mildura region continues to thrive.”

MDC Chair Jenny Grigg said MDC and MT had developed a joint Statement of Intent pledging their genuine willingness to commence the project.

“Our Board is very supportive of this initiative. There are many synergies in the work that MDC and MT undertake and we believe that working towards developing a single entity encompassing both economic development and tourism would be a positive move for the Mildura region overall,” Mrs Grigg said.

Mildura Tourism Chair Paul Gibbens echoed Mrs Grigg’s sentiments.

“Mildura Tourism believes this initiative is both productive and proactive,” Mr Gibbens said.

“Working in closer and more structured collaboration with Mildura Development Corporation would bring major and ongoing benefits including a collective ability to harness new product development ideas, attract development, investment and funding opportunities.”

Mildura Rural City Council currently invests more than $2.95 million in economic development and tourism for the region which includes combined funding of around $1.25 million to MDC and MT.

The transition is currently a recommendation that requires the endorsement of Councillors at this Thursday’s Ordinary Council Meeting before it can move ahead.

The Council meeting agenda is available to view at


Media enquiries 
Angela Umback
p) (03) 5018 8689

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