Councillors endorse report on region’s next major growth corridor
Published on 28 July 2022
Mildura Rural City Councillors tonight endorsed a crucial document that will cater for the development needs of the Mildura region for the next three decades.
The Mildura East Growth Area (MEGA) Strategic Framework Vision and Key Directions report focuses on a massive 1,050 hectare area of land to the east of Mildura, between Irymple and Nichols Point, and how development will progress within the study area.
The report proposes a sequenced approach to development, dividing the 1,050-hectare study area into three main components:
- a growth precinct to the south, continuing the development already occurring in Irymple
- a growth precinct to the north, building on the existing development in Nichols Point
- a non-urban area in between for agriculture use.
According to the report, the two growth precincts together comprise a series of 15 development cells.
These cells, or parcels of land, could each accommodate between approximately 108 and 350 lots for development based on conservative estimates by the report’s authors.
Mildura Mayor Liam Wood said based on current trends, in conjunction with land currently available in Mildura South and elsewhere, this would be enough to cater for land development supply for the next three decades.
“We know based on existing building approval trends, the current five-year average for new dwellings in our municipality is 290 per year, and that’s taking in our entire municipality, including our outlying towns,” Cr Wood said.
“The Mildura East Growth Area allows for a rate of 370 new dwellings per year, so it’s forecasting for development well ahead of the curve.”
The Mayor said an important consideration in the report was the need to ensure growth expanded from areas that already have existing infrastructure, such as drainage.
“This is an important and necessary consideration, rather than trying to establish costly infrastructure, like drainage, in isolated unconnected patches of the growth corridor,” Cr Wood said.
“Unfortunately, this means that with an area this large, and with so many parcels of land, it’s impossible to meet every landowner’s expectations or future plans, particularly those who own farming land that isn’t close to existing development in the growth corridor.
“We understand their frustrations, but at the same time, the report outlines the need to follow this sequenced approach to ensure the best outcomes for our broader municipality.
“And while we acknowledge it may not suit every landowner’s immediate plans, the report does at least provide certainty to help with their future planning.”
Cr Wood said consultation with landowners and key stakeholders was an important step in development of the report.
“Feedback from this consultation was taken into account by the report’s authors, which is reflected in the document, including significant changes made based on information from Lower Murray Water,” the Mayor said.
“We look forward to continuing to work constructively with Lower Murray Water on any outstanding matters.”