Deakin Avenue Urban Design Guidelines out for final comment
Published on 22 April 2016
Mildura Rural City Council’s Deakin Avenue Urban Design Guidelines have been released for final comment, with Council looking for feedback on the draft document.
The Deakin Avenue Urban Design Guidelines set the framework for new construction along the entire length of Deakin Avenue, from Seventh Street through to the bend just past Seventeenth Street.
Infrastructure and Transport portfolio Councillor Greg Brown said community and stakeholder input had been instrumental in the development of the initial Strategic Vision and Objectives and now the Design Guidelines.
“The feedback from everyone involved in the process to date has been really positive, informative and proactive.”
“Council developed the Strategic Vision and Objectives paper from the information received from the surveys and stakeholder discussions, as well as workshops. The feedback on the paper was then used to complete the draft Design Guidelines.”
The Guidelines now highlight the five distinct precincts along Deakin Avenue – the Horticultural Edge, Residential, City Gate, Mixed Use and City Core precincts.
For each precinct, separate guidelines focus on key elements including the overall image of Deakin Avenue, its built form, landscaping, lighting and safety and access and movement.
"Each of the precincts have their own feel, style and as such objectives for future development,” Cr Brown explained. “What is suitable for the Seventh Street end of Deakin Avenue is not necessarily going to be what suits the Seventeenth Street area.”
The draft Deakin Avenue Urban Design Guidelines will be open for comment until Friday 20 May 2016 and can be downloaded from Council’s website, with hard copies available at Council’s Service Centres.
Further information is available online at or by contacting Council’s Strategic Planning team on (03) 5018 8419.
Summary of the proposed key features of each precinct in the draft guidelines:
Horticultural Precinct (Extends from bend near the airport to Seventeenth St) - Grand landscaped gateway to Mildura, extend median strip and dual carriageway, retain farming uses, large setbacks, reduce traffic with truck by-pass
Residential Precinct (Seventeenth St to just before Fifteenth St) - Community orientated, with safe pedestrian promenades/crossings, rows of large shade trees, high quality landscapes
City Gate Precinct (Fifteenth St to Aldinga Drive) - Transition to city fringe, landmark at 15th Street intersection (e.g. art/sculpture), high quality feature buildings on the corners of the 15th Street intersection, mixed use developments
Mixed Use Precinct (Aldinga Dr to Eleventh St) - Busy hub with iconic public realm, diverse range of uses with community focus, large substantial trees along paths, community art opportunities, buildings of up to 3 storeys, reduced landscaped setbacks
City Core Precinct (Eleventh St to Seventh St) - Vibrant destination – best of Mildura’s retail and commercial properties, active frontages, kerb side dining, pedestrian priority and safety, buildings up to 4 storeys, no front/side setbacks (CBD Strategy), repurposing of historic buildings, protected bicycle lane, continuous shade/weather protection
Media enquiries
Angela Umback
(03) 5018 8689