Future planning session for Mildura
Published on 23 August 2016
After a successful session along the Mallee Track, Mildura residents will now have the opportunity to attend a Future Planning Forum. The sessions are designed to give people guidance when planning for their funerals, for the distribution of their assets and the sharing of their wishes should they become incapacitated.
Mildura Rural City Council will host the Future Planning Forum at the Alfred Deakin Centre in the Benetook Room on Tuesday 6 September 2016 to help residents plan for their futures.
Community Wellbeing and Services Councillor Sharyon Peart said as with the forum in Ouyen earlier in the year service providers will be on hand to discuss a range of issues including aged, palliative and respite care options, as well as wills and powers of attorney.
“People plan for their futures in many different ways,” Cr Peart said. “And while we all want different things for our futures, if you don’t plan and communicate your wishes clearly, then you may end up with other people making decisions on your behalf.
“Lots of different service providers will be available to speak to on the day, particularly from the health, aged care and legal industries. We really encourage you to come along and make sure you have thought about all the different options available to you.”
September is also Dementia Awareness Month and Alzheimer’s Australia will be one of the service providers who will have material available about the impacts of dementia and the importance of accessing services and information early.
The Future Planning Forum will run from 9:30am until 1pm on Tuesday 6 September with a light lunch provided. To RSVP to the event, please contact Council’s Customer Service team on (03) 5018 8100.
Further information is also available from http://www.mildura.vic.gov.au/Calendar-of-Events/Future-Planning-Forum-Mildura
Media enquiries
Angela Umback
p) (03) 5018 8689
e) angela.umback@mildura.vic.gov.au