Help inform the next four-year Council Plan
Published on 20 January 2025
Work is under way to develop Mildura Rural City Council’s next four-year Council Plan.
Council has this week launched a comprehensive consultation campaign ‘Your Vision, Our Plan – Mildura 2025-2029’, aimed at giving everyone in the Mildura Rural City Council area a chance to shape the next Council Plan.
The Council Plan is Mildura Rural City Council’s most important strategic document, outlining what Council will focus on over the next four years, while ensuring its work today is aligned with realising the community’s 20-year Vision.
The Your Vision, Our Plan campaign will also help update Council’s four-year Financial, Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing and Asset Plans - important strategic documents required under the Local Government Act 2020 and Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008, which govern the work of all Victorian Councils.
The Your Vision, Our Plan campaign builds on Council’s Towards 2040 initiative, which was undertaken in mid-2024 and aimed to touch base with the community regarding the key outcomes identified in the 20-year Community Vision.
More than 1,300 people took part, telling us what they loved about our region, while also touching on what would make it better and the challenges still faced.
Sustainability, hospitals/GPs, education, tourism and job opportunities were highlighted as the top priorities moving forward. The community also told us that the Mildura Riverfront remained their favourite place, and that they loved the friendliness and people that make up our community.
Improving roads and parking, public transport and a focus on more activities for children were among the top items listed as ways our community could be made better.
Your Vision, Our Plan will focus on streamlining the community’s aspirations into the next four-year Council Plan.
Mildura Mayor Helen Healy encouraged the community to get involved and share their priorities and expectations for the next four years.
“Our community will have the chance to share their views, thoughts and ideas in several ways, including via hard copy and online surveys and by attending in-person consultation sessions and workshops,” Cr Healy said.
“The Council Plan sets the strategic direction of Council for the next four financial years. Informed by the 20-year Community Vision, it details key strategies and initiatives that Council will deliver to help achieve the Community Vision.
“It doesn’t get any bigger than this from a Council perspective, making it vitally important that we hear from as many people as possible.”
Feedback closes on Friday 21 February 2025, before the Draft 2025-2029 Council Plan is exhibited for further feedback.
Have your say and find out more at
You can also pick up hard copy surveys at Council libraries, our Customer Service Centres, or by catching up with our staff at in-person sessions and workshops across the region.
Don’t miss your chance to help shape the next four years in our 20-year vision towards 2040.