Help us improve our facilities and services by having your say
Published on 12 April 2018
If there’s a facility, program or service you think Council is either delivering well or needs to improve on, now is the perfect opportunity to let us know.
Our annual Community Satisfaction Survey opens on Monday, 16 April providing just under a month for the community to provide their feedback on the myriad of different services we provide.
Mildura Mayor Mark Eckel said residents can either pick-up hard copies of the survey from any of our Service Centres or libraries, or complete the survey online via Council’s website.
“We deliver a large number of services, facilities and programs throughout our municipality, and we want to tailor them as best we can to residents’ needs,” Cr Eckel said.
“Our Community Satisfaction Survey is a valuable tool which helps us to do this, allowing residents to rate the services we provide, and how they’re delivered.
“The survey data is then measured against our Community and Council Plan 2017-2021 and its objectives, which helps us track our progress as well as plan and improve our services in the future.”
Residents can complete the survey online from Monday by visiting
Residents filling out a hard copy of our Community Satisfaction Survey must return it in the post to Insync Surveys in the reply paid envelope provided by close of mail on Friday, 11 May. Our online survey closes on Sunday, 13 May.
For more information contact Mildura Rural City Council on (03) 5018 8100.
Media enquiries
Ben Piscioneri
p) (03) 5018 8689