High level education talks in China
Published on 14 March 2018
One of Mildura Mayor Mark Eckel’s final engagements during his Sister City visit to China was a meeting with Australian Government officials organised by Consul-General Christopher Lim earlier this week.
The Study Mildura delegation met with leading Australian officials of Chengdu China, where the latest Austrade market update was discussed, revealing 56 per cent of students selected Management and Commerce as their preferred study option for Australia.
SuniTafe Manager of International Programs Brad Fyfe reported that Chengdu, the recognised centre of south west China, will be the stimulus for future Mildura international student growth.
During the talks, Consul-General Lim indicated he was supportive of the SuniTafe and La Trobe international education initiative.
Cr Eckel said SuniTAFE CEO Geoff Dea was encouraged by Mr Lim's endorsement of the Study Mildura strategy and thanked him for his support in the past and his updates around opportunities in China.