Learn how to save energy and cut your power bills
Published on 13 April 2015
95 per cent of people could be saving energy in their home, and reducing their energy bills and a series of free training sessions will explain how.
Four Energy Efficiency training sessions will be held in Mildura and Ouyen this month. Presented by Mildura Rural City Council and SuniTAFE, the sessions will give people tips and ideas on simple changes they can make that will have a big impact on the amount of energy they consume.
Environmental Sustainability Councillor Judi Harris said being more energy efficient was one of the simplest ways people could cut their living expenses.
“Sometimes knowing where to start is the hardest thing, so these sessions are designed to give people the confidence and skills needed to go home and make changes that will ultimately benefit the environment and their household budget,” Cr Harris said.
The sessions will include tips on energy saving and also cover things like: reading bills; saving energy and money by switching; what makes a good deal and how to use the independent My Power Planner website.
All attendees will also receive a free energy monitor to use in their home.
“Anyone who would like to save money on their electricity costs will benefit from these sessions,” Cr Harris said.
Three sessions will be held in Mildura at the Mildura Eco Village Education Centre, 15 Scherger Drive Mildura and one will be held in Ouyen at the Council Service Centre in Oke Street. Session dates and times are:
Thursday 23 April, 3pm – 5pm
Friday 24 April, 10am – 12noon
Thursday 30 April, 5:30pm – 7pm
Thursday 23 April, 10am -12noon
For more information about the sessions or to RSVP to attend one contact Nardia Baker SuniTAFE on (03) 5022 3748.
The free training sessions are being presented thanks to funding from the Australia Government’s Community Energy Efficiency Program.
Media enquiries
Angela Umback
p) (03) 5018 8689
e) angela.umback@mildura.vic.gov.au