Locals urged to nominate for Regional Achievement & Community Awards

Published on 16 June 2015

The search is on for individuals, businesses and community groups that are making a difference in our local community through the annual Regional Achievement & Community Awards.

Mayor Glenn Milne invites all residents to consider nominating an individual, business or group that is helping to reshape and inspire our community.

“If you know someone that has provided support and made a real difference in your life, why not give them a pat on the back and nominate them for an award. It would be great for our community contributors to be showcased in these Awards" said Cr Mime.

Nominations are now open in the following categories:

• Prime Super Community Group of the Year Award
• VACC Regional Safety Award
• Parks Victoria Environmental Sustainability Award
• Regional Development Victoria Business Achievement Award
• Ricoh Australia Customer Service Award
• Prime Super Employer Excellence in Aged Care Award
• Federation Training Gippsland Regional Achiever Award
• South West TAFE and Deakin University South West Regional Achiever Award
• Regional Development Victoria Leadership and Innovation Award
• MOA Benchmarking Community Service in Aged Care Award

Category winners will each receive $2,000 from the Bank of Melbourne or an advertising airtime package on PRIME7.

Nomination brochures and more information is available by contacting the Awards Office on (03) 9720 1638, emailing vic@awardsaustralia.com and online at www.awardsaustralia.com

Nominations close Friday 24 July 2015.


Media enquiries 
Angela Umback
p) (03) 5018 8689
e) angela.umback@mildura.vic.gov.au

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