MEDIA STATEMENT : Councillor Conduct Panel determination
Published on 15 February 2023
Jason Modica has been suspended from his duties as a Councillor for two months following the conclusion of a review undertaken by the Councillor Conduct Panel.
We are confident in the process that was followed throughout this matter.
It has really highlighted the robust measures in place, not just in the local government sector more broadly, but within our own Council, particularly around conflicts of interest.
It can give our community every confidence in the reporting mechanisms in place and the level of accountability and scrutiny our Councillors are subject to through the course of their work for the community.
As the panel report touches on, there is nothing wrong with a Councillor having a conflict of interest, which is why you see our Councillors stepping out of Ordinary Council meetings from time to time – it’s an illustration of our strict governance processes at work.
It’s also about ensuring any conflicts of interest are identified by the individual Councillors and acted upon appropriately.
We will continue to work to ensure our community has confidence in the decision-making process and that our Councillors have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities under the Local Government Act and the Councillor Code of Conduct.
The Councillor Conduct Panel’s determination will be tabled in full at this month’s Ordinary Council Meeting.
Martin Hawson Cr Liam Wood
Chief Executive Officer Mayor
Mildura Rural City Council Mildura Rural City Council