Mayor's Message - Support for our farmers

Published on 15 November 2016

Cr Glenn Milne.jpg

ON behalf of Deputy Mayor Jason Modica and fellow Councillors, I’d like to express our support for our farmers at this difficult time.

With our farmers among the worst hit as a result of Friday night’s storm, some experiencing total crop losses, it’s imperative that we support our farming community.

This can be done in many ways, but two effective methods are to check in on our farming neighbours or friends to ensure they’re coping, and to urge farmers to self-assess their properties.

It’s vital that farmers self-assess their damage and report it to their peak bodies as soon as possible – a critical step in accessing much needed government assistance.

Once self-assessments and reports are made to bodies including the Australian Table Grape Association, Dried Fruits Australia and Murray Valley Winegrowers, those bodies can then report back to the government.

This will provide government with an accurate picture of how each industry has been affected by Friday’s storm, and help determine how best to assist our growers, rather than individual growers contacting the government.

If everyone channels this information through their relevant authorities it will make it easier and more effective to get a measured response from the government.

Our farmers are vital to our economy and the social fabric of our community, making it imperative to ensure they get through this tough time, recover and continue growing the best produce in the world.

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