Mobile Library phone consultations

Published on 11 November 2016


Nangiloc, Werrimull and Lake Cullulleraine residents will next week be asked for their thoughts on the future of Mildura Rural City Council’s Mobile Library Service.

Council’s Library Service will contact active library members by telephone between 14 November and 18 November, seeking their feedback following changes in the way residents are using library services.

Recent reports have revealed that while residents certainly value their libraries, more people are wishing to access library services outside normal opening hours.

Council library staff have also noticed an increase in usage of the library’s website, online services and e-resources.

As part of this trend, there has been a decrease in patronage at Council’s Mobile Library, while the cost of providing the service continues to increase.

“With all these changes, our current library service delivery model needs to be updated,” Council’s General Manager Community Martin Hawson said.

“Costs to ratepayers are continually rising, while assistance from the Victorian Government is decreasing.

“It’s vital that residents in Nangiloc, Werrimull and Lake Cullulleraine have access to high quality library services, which is why we will be speaking directly with our active members in the coming week, seeking their thoughts on what they would like to see from their library service.

“It’s also important to stress that the proposed changes aren’t about removing services. They’re about better tailoring our library services to meet residents’ needs,” Mr Hawson said.

Next week’s telephone consultations are designed to discuss possible changes to the way library services are delivered, as well as gather feedback and ideas from residents who use the Mobile Library at Nangiloc, Werrimull and Lake Cullulleraine.


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