Planning for future residents in Nichols Point

Published on 21 August 2015

Mildura Rural City Council is calling on Nichols Point residents to help shape the future of residential development in their community.

The Nichols Point Residential Development Plan aims to set clear guidelines and a vision for how residential development will occur over the coming years, with Mayor Glenn Milne saying issues such as roads, paths and parks will form part of the plan.

“This is a great opportunity for the community to have a say in what areas they want to see utilised for housing, for parks and wetlands and for other infrastructure,” Cr Milne explained.

“By putting this plan in place, Council can start looking at where we need to start working on increasing services and can make determinations on planning applications based on what the community have indicated they would like to see. 

“This will hopefully lead to cohesive development which is complementary to the aspirations of the Nichols Point community.”

The Residential Development Plan will focus on the land between Karadoc Avenue to the north, Irymple Avenue to the south and either side of Fifth Street to the south of Tireel Drive and midway towards Cureton Avenue to the north east.

While there will be several opportunities for the public to have input into the plan, the first consultation session will be held at 6pm on Wednesday 26 August in the Benetook Room at The Alfred Deakin Centre.

“We really want to hear from as many people as possible from the Nichols Point community about what they envision their community will look like into the future,” Cr Milne said.

Further information is available from Council’s website at or by contacting Council’s Strategic Planning team on (03) 5018 8412.

Community Consultation

When: 6pm, Wednesday 26 August 2015
Where: Benetook Room at the Alfred Deakin Centre, Crn Deakin Avenue and Twelfth Street, Mildura


Media enquiries
Angela Umback
p) (03) 5018 8689

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