Plans to protect towns from bushfire on show

Published on 01 October 2015

Outlying towns across the region will be better protected in the future from bushfires, with Mildura Rural City Council unveiling new Township Bushfire Mitigation Plans.

The Township Bushfire Mitigation Plans (TBMPs) have been developed in consultation with the Country Fire Authority (CFA), the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) and other key agencies as part of Council’s Municipal Emergency Management Plan, and will be available for viewing at the upcoming Community Cinema Night and Safety Expos.

Community Development and Safety portfolio Councillor Ali Cupper said the plans essentially set out work to be completed to lessen the risk of bushfire affecting seven townships within the municipality.

“The plans identify where ‘Fire Lines’ can be developed along roads around townships to limit the spread of fire and provide access for fire fighters to restrict a fire leading into town,” Cr Cupper explained.

“The plans also provide detailed maps of work to be completed to help reduce the risk of fire affecting the township. Some of the works include controlled burns, slashing grass or the clearing hazardous fuel loads.”

TBMPs have been developed for Ouyen, Walpeup, Underbool, Murrayville, Werrimull, Meringur and the Koorlong area.

The plans will be on display for additional community feedback in the Council marquee at the upcoming Community Cinema Night and Safety Expos, with the first event being held in Underbool on Saturday 10 October.

“We really want to see as many people as possible join us for this great afternoon and evening,” Cr Cupper said.  “While the movie is a bit of fun for the whole family, there will be some really important safety information available at each event, tailored specifically for each community.”

The Community Cinema Night and Safety Expos will be held on the following dates with each event starting at 5pm and the movies starting on dusk.

Town  Venue  Date  Movie
Underbool Underbool Rec Reserve Saturday 10 October Minions 
Cullulleraine Johansen Memorial Reserve Saturday 17 October Minions
Nangiloc Nangiloc Rec Reserve Saturday 24 October Inside Out
Mildura Nowingi Place Saturday 14 November Minions

Further information about the events is available from Council’s website at 


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