RACV Fly the Flag Tour to visit Mildura
Published on 12 March 2015
Around 180 vintage cars will visit our region next week, with the RACV and All British Classics Car Club’s annual Fly the Flag Tour scheduled to spend three days in the Mallee.
Arriving in Ouyen on Sunday 15 March for a lunch stop, the route will then bring the vehicles to Mildura where they will spend Monday visiting local attractions.
Mayor Glenn Milne said Mildura was added to the itinerary after a successful meeting with with the organising team at last year’s Motorclassica event in Melbourne.
“Motorclassica is a great way for vintage motoring enthusiasts to meet and show off their vehicles,” Cr Milne said. “Council had a stand at the event to promote our region as a great place for touring and to hold meetings, conferences and business events.”
The schedule will see the 330 participants have dinner at the Psyche Pumps on the evening of Sunday 15 March with driving and boat tours the following day.
“On Tuesday morning all the vehicles will gather from 7am at the Mildura Wharf for the official farewell,” Cr Milne explained. “This is a great opportunity to see all the cars and motorcyles in one place and you can grab some breakfast before work as well.”
Local vintage car and motorcycle owners and enthusiasts are encouraged to come along and join in the fun, with vehicles from the 1920’s through to 1982 on display.
The Fly the Flag Tour will then head on to Swan Hill on the next leg of their travels.
“We love to bring these types of events through our region,” Cr Milne said. “Our Autumn weather is some of the very best in the country and it’s great to introduce new people to our lifestyle through these sorts of visits.”
More information about the Fly the Flag Tour is available online at http://www.abccc.com.au/FTF/, while information about Council’s Business Events unit is also available online at www.mildurabusinessevents.com.au/
Media enquiries
Angela Umback
p) (03) 5018 8689
e) angela.umback@mildura.vic.gov.au