Water Play Park clear to open
Published on 20 November 2017
After rigorous water quality testing over the past few weeks, Council is pleased to advise Water Play Park will reopen to the public tomorrow, Tuesday 21 November, following clear test results this week.
After a time consuming process, working closely with industry experts to address a number of possible factors, Council is confident the issues which may have been affecting the water quality have now been addressed. However, staff will continue to undertake the program of regular monitoring of water quality.
With the weather warming up and summer holidays approaching, Council staff worked very hard to identify and address these issues as quickly as possible. We understand the inconvenience of closing this facility for a long period of time however, public health and safety remained our number one priority and we once again thank the community for their patience.
The Water Play Park is a popular facility and we will continue our work to ensure it remains a safe and healthy environment for everyone to enjoy.