What matters to you in the arts?
Published on 02 November 2015
Mildura Rural City Council is developing a new Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy to guide the planning, development and support of arts and culture activities over the next five years.
During the next month, Mildura Arts Centre staff will consult with different community groups and are urging everyone to get involved and have their say about what matters to them in the arts.
As part of the consultation, a community wide survey is being conducted. The information gathered will help inform Council about the community’s use and value of different arts, cultural and heritage activities.
Arts and Culture Portfolio Councillor Jill Joslyn said this survey will provide Council with different people’s perceptions and views on identity, and the arts and cultural landscape.
“We hope to get feedback which will help identify what people love about our existing arts and culture activities,” Cr Joslyn explained. “We also want to identify which areas need more work and which might need more resources.
“It’s about creating opportunities to improve access to art and cultural services for the whole community. We want to know what we’re doing well and what can be improved.”
Cr Joslyn said it’s important to get a wide range of opinions and is encouraging everyone, even people who don’t participate in arts and cultural activities to take some time to complete the survey and have their say.
The survey opens on Monday 2 November and closes on Monday 7 December and hardcopies are from MAC and from Council services centres and libraries. The survey can also be completed online at www.milduraartscentre.com.au/News/What-Matters-to-You-About-The-Arts.aspx
For more information call Antonette Zema at Mildura Arts Centre on (03) 5018 8330 or email antonette.zema@mildura.vic.gov.au
Media enquiries
Angela Umback
p) (03) 5018 8689
e) angela.umback@mildura.vic.gov.au