Work on Langtree Connection to Riverfront completed
Published on 05 October 2016
Work on a pedestrian connection that links Mildura’s Central Business District to the Mildura Riverfront Precinct is now complete and Council invites the community to come and join us this Friday as we open our newest asset.
The official proceedings will commence from the Seventh Street Lawns at 2pm, after which time we encourage the public to use the new connection. The new all access pathway is made up of terraced steps and ramps and extends from the end of Langtree Avenue, across the existing railway line and down to the Riverfront Precinct. The connection allows safe passage for pedestrians from Seventh Street to Hugh King Drive, where they can access a 1.2km promenade along the riverfront.
From 3pm to 8pm the community will be able to explore the new connection and enjoy live entertainment, view the ‘Welcome to Country’ art installation, sign the Official Launch Book to commemorate the day and enjoy a free Barbeque until 6pm.
Completion of the Langtree Pedestrian Connection signals a significant step towards the completion of Stage One of the $19.25 million Mildura Riverfront Redevelopment Project.
‘The Langtree Connection will provide direct access from the city centre to the river, which will be great for locals and the thousands of visitors our region attracts each year,’ General Manager Community, Martin Hawson said.
‘This won’t just be a thoroughfare for people to use to get from the river to the Central Business District. It will also act as an additional public space for people to gather in Mildura’, Mr Hawson said.
‘Accessible on foot, in a wheelchair or with a pram, the connection will also feature lighting and artwork. More than 4,500 new trees and shrubs have been planted throughout the connection,’ Mr Hawson said.
The Mildura Riverfront Redevelopment Project Stage 1 is funded in partnership with the Australian Government and Regional Development Victoria
Date: Friday 7 October 2016
Time: 2pm (Official Opening on the lawns at Langtree Avenue and Seventh Street)
3pm – 8pm (Community Celebrations within Langtree Connection)
Media enquiries
Rebecca Wells
p) (03) 5018 8195