Young residents urged to embrace the arts through NGV Kids on Tour
Published on 08 January 2018
Mildura Arts Centre and the National Gallery of Victoria are bringing the 2018 NGV Kids on Tour program, along with free activities, to Mildura this week.
Reaching more local and rural communities than ever before, NGV Kids on Tour encourages children and families across the state from Gippsland through to Wodonga to participate in free activities and workshops.
Featuring activities including paper collage workshops and portrait illustrations, the program aims to connect local communities with the NGV’s dynamic summer exhibition program, allowing people to enjoy time together at their local gallery or community venue.
Young people throughout Victoria have the opportunity to engage with art through a range of free hands-on activities and workshops. Inspired by the NGV Triennial theme of the body, participants can experience creative new ways that everybody can Play, Move, and Make.
Tony Ellwood, NGV Director, said “NGV Kids on Tour is an integral part of the Gallery’s commitment to making art accessible to children and families across Victoria. NGV Kids programs inspire and foster the creativity of thousands of children and teenagers throughout the state.”
Councillor for Arts and Culture Jason Modica encouraged Sunraysia’s younger residents to embrace an opportunity usually only reserved for metropolitan areas.
“This is a great opportunity for either those new to the arts who are keen to get ‘hands-on’ and explore what the arts have to offer, or for young people with an interest in the arts who want to delve a little deeper in a fun, accessible way,” Cr Modica said.
A dedicated workshop aimed for tweens and teens, aged 12 to 18, will be held on Thursday 11 January at 10.30am at Mildura Arts Centre. Activities include:
Send a Message
Send a Message encourages tweens and teens people to create an emoji that expresses their thoughts about contemporary issues using signs, symbols, colours and textures. At Mildura, young people will also get to experiment with stop-motion animation.
Everybody Draw
Young people are invited to create their own portrait masterpiece, drawing portraits of themselves or a loved one to add together to form part of a large scale collaborative installation with fellow participants.
NGV Triennial artist Olga Chernysheva shares her favourite drawing game, called ‘Nonsense’, which she played as a child growing up in Moscow. Young people draw different parts of an animal to create creatures never seen before.
Ages 12–18.
Duration 90 minutes.
Bookings are essential for all sessions and can be made by calling contacting the Mildura Arts Centre on (03) 5018 8330.
Media enquiries
Ben Piscioneri
p) (03) 5018 8689