Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee

Council is committed to making our region accessible and inclusive for residents and visitors.

Annual Disability Action Plans

The Disability Act requires public authorities, state government departments and local governments to prepare disability action plans. These plans need to describe how the agency will address access and inclusion barriers for people with disability, as both service users and employees. Disability action plans should align to the outcomes framework of the state disability plan so it is clear how they contribute to achieving statewide outcomes. 

These action-oriented one-year plans detail specific objectives, projects, activities and outcomes. The Disability Action Plan gives Council's Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee, and Council officers, flexibility and focus while working to improve outcomes for people with disability in Mildura.

The Disability Action Plan also aligns with Council’s Community Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-2025 (CHWP), which sets the goals and priorities for protecting, improving and promoting health and wellbeing within the municipality.

One of the actions within the CHWP is to: Co-design and implement a Disability Action Plan with the Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee (DIAC) to reduce barriers and increase access for people with a disability to services, facilities and employment and to promote inclusion and participation in our community.

The Disability Action Plan is created annually and details specific objectives, projects, activities and outcomes. The Disability Action Plan gives Council's Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee, and Council officers, flexibility and focus while working to improve outcomes for people with disability in Mildura.

Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee

Established in 2001, this group is made up of community representatives who advise Council on disability issues. The Committee meets monthly to address barriers to access and inclusion for people with a disability and give advice to Council on matters relating to inclusion. 

Meet our members

Mildura CBD Disability Access Map

This Council produced map is designed to assist people with a disability to navigate around Mildura's central business district. The map includes a wide range of information, including:

  • Accessible routes of travel
  • Toilet facilities
  • Accessible car parking locations
  • ATM locations
  • Public phones
  • Taxi ranks
  • Hearing Loops
  • Wheelchair/Scooter/Gopher recharge points

For more information about the map, contact Council's Diversity and Inclusion Officer phone 03 5018 8545.

More support

More support for those with a disability is available through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). For more information contact 1800 800 110 or visit www.ndis.gov.au