Maternal and Child Health
The Maternal and Child Health service is free and available to all families with a child aged 0 to 6 and includes a series of regular health checks with a qualified Maternal and Child Health (MCH) nurse. MCH nurses are registered general nurses and midwives with special training in Maternal and Child Health. They can provide confidential information and advice on:
- Child health and development
- Breastfeeding
- Baby settling
- Nutrition
- Maternal and family health
- Post-natal support
- Immunisations
- Parenting
To book in or change/cancel your next MCH appointment, please call 03 5018 8277 or email
Council's Deakin Avenue Service Centre
76 Deakin Avenue (corner Deakin Avenue and Ninth Street)
Mansell Reserve
Seventh Street
117 Pasadena Grove
Mildura South
569 Deakin Avenue (corner Lillie Lane and Deakin Avenue)
The Family and Child Hub
41 Pine Avenue
Casaurina Drive
18 O'Bryan Street
Red Cliffs
Temporarily located at Red Cliffs Library, Jamieson Avenue, Red Cliffs
Kulkyne Way
12-14 Cooper Street
Cotter Street
Gray Street
At each appointment, the MCH nurse will:
- Assess and monitor your child’s growth and development
- Provide advice and information about maternal and child health
- Make referrals to other health services if appropriate
- Link you up with a new parent’s group if you are a new parent
- Refer you to the Enhanced Maternal and Child Health Service if appropriate
After a baby is born, the hospital or midwife will notify our service. A MCH nurse will then contact the new mum and arrange to visit you and your baby at home. After this initial home visit a series of follow up appointments will be scheduled as the baby develops.
A total of 10 free MCH appointments are recommended over a four year period at key ages and stages:
Victorian families can obtain extra support by calling the Maternal and Child Health Line on 13 22 29. This is a 24-hour telephone service staffed by qualified maternal and child health nurses.
The telephone line provides over-the-phone information, advice and referral to all families with young children.
Interpreters are available through the Translating Interpreter Service. Hearing and speech impaired callers can connect to the National Relay Service (NRS).
The Enhanced Maternal and Child Health Service is a more targeted service for families who may need some extra support, such as families with babies who were born prematurely or with a low birth weight, children with a disability or parents experiencing mental health issues.
This is also provided free of charge.
Referrals for the enhanced service are made by your Maternal and Child Health nurse.
Many families are affected by sleep and settling concerns. Led by qualified Maternal and Child Health nurses, our free group information sessions aim to help families better understand their children’s sleep patterns and behaviours.
Get information and support on sleep strategies such as tired signs, settling techniques, sleep cycles and sleep duration.
We offer sessions tailored to three developmental age groups:
- Newborns (0-3 months)
- Babies (6-12 months)
- Toddlers (18 months and older)
One-on-one in-home support may also be available following a sleep assessment with a Maternal and Child Health nurse.
The New Parents Group is a free program offered to all first-time parents in the Mildura Rural City Council area. Held in a relaxed, supportive environment , the program runs for 6 weeks and discusses topics including parenting, caring for yourself, sleep and settling support, introduction to solids and more. The New Parent’s Group also gives parents’ the opportunity to meet other first- time parents with babies of similar age, often resulting in long-term friendships, gaining support networks and valuable information. Qualified Maternal and Child Health Nurses will be available to answer questions you may have during these sessions.
Register to Attend
Your Maternal and Child Health Nurse will add you to the wait list and you will be contacted closer to commencement date. For further information you can contact us on 03 5018 8277.