Emergency contact information

After-hours Emergency Services

To report after-hours emergencies that require the immediate action of Council such as road-based hazards, flooding, fallen trees, a dangerous dog roaming or attack, please call 03 5018 8100 and you will be redirected to the appropriate Duty Officer.

Local Emergency Service contact numbers

Emergencies - 000 (Police, Ambulance and Fire)

SES - 132 500

Mildura Police Station - 03 5018 5300

Environment Protection Authority - 1300 372 842

Parks Victoria - 13 19 63

Victorian Poisons Information Centre - 13 11 26

Crime Stoppers - 1800 333 000

Lower Murray Water - 1800 808 830

Origin - 13 24 61

Powercor - 13 24 12

Roads and vehicles

VicRoads -13 11 71

RACV - 13 72 28

Weather warnings and predictions

Bureau of Meteorology