
Weeds can compete with native plants, block water supplies, smother pastures, poison livestock, cause health problems including allergies, skin rashes and hay fever, and disrupt the balance of natural ecosystems.

Who is responsible for weed control?

A concerted weed control effort is necessary in order to protect our environment's natural ecosystems and reduce the threat weeds pose.

We undertake weed control on Council-owned property including parks, recreation reserves, public gardens and the nature strips that adjoin them.

However, weed control on nature strips and roadsides that adjoin privately-owned property is the responsibility of the adjoining landowner. Weed control on all privately-owned land, including vacant blocks, is also the responsibility of the landowner.

Identifying and controlling weeds on your property

The best time to remove weeds is before they flower, and fruit or prickles have emerged. If the weed infestation is small, it is recommended that the weeds are removed by hand, then disposed of. Monitoring and continual removal before fruiting will eventually deplete the weed population. If the infestation is too large, a combination of weed control methods may be required.

Prickly weeds are a real nuisance, and we need to take a stand as a community to help reduce the impact they have on everyone in our community. 

Caltrop and Khaki weed are two of the most common and troublesome prickly weeds for gardeners in our region. In urban and semi-urban areas, the best way to control Caltrop and Khaki weed is to pull by hand, starting from the outside of the patch and working inwards to minimise the chance of spreading.

Pulled weeds should be placed in your green organics bin.

You can also chip weeds using a shovel, ensuring you remove their roots. Chemical control may also be effective. Speak to staff at your local garden centre and always follow instructions carefully when using chemicals.

Changes in managing the landscape may assist in slowing the germination process. Planting and maintaining other plants may outcompete the weeds.