Japanese Encephalitis vaccine

Japanese Encephalitis (JE) is a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain. It is caused by a virus that can spread to humans through mosquito bites.

Vaccination is available to protect you from JE. Mildura Rural City Council offers the free JE vaccine to people aged two months or older who live in a high-risk local government area (including Mildura), AND:

  • regularly spend time engaging in outdoor activities that place them at risk of mosquito bites, OR
  • are experiencing homelessness, OR
  • are living in conditions with limited mosquito protection (e.g. tents, caravans, dwellings with no insect screens), OR
  • are engaging in outdoor flood recovery (clean-up) efforts, including repeated professional or volunteer deployments.

People who live or work at properties with pigs or are going to high-risk areas for seasonal work are also eligible for the free vaccine. 

There are two safe and effective vaccines for JE:

  • Imojev®: live attenuated vaccine given by subcutaneous injection. Registered for use in people aged ≥9 months. Primary course is one dose. A booster dose for people under the age of 18 years is funded and recommended to be given 1-2 years after the primary dose.
  • JEspect®: inactivated JE vaccine given by intramuscular injection. Available for use in infants and children aged ≥2 months, immunocompromised people, and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Primary course is two doses. A booster dose for people over the age of 18 years is funded and recommended to be given 1-2 years after the primary course.

Most people will develop protection within 14 days of receiving Imojev® vaccine and 28 days following a full course of JEspect® vaccine. It is important that people continue to protect themselves from mosquito-borne disease following vaccination.


Book an appointment

If you are wanting a Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine (JEV) please book into any of our community clinics. 

Bookings are essential and should be made online using the Central Immunisation Records Victoria (CIRV) portal, provided by the Victorian Department of Health.

Book online  How to use the online booking system

If you haven’t used CIRV before, you’ll need to create an account first and then set up your appointment bookings.

Please call 03 5018 8100 if you are unable to access the online booking system.

Group and workplace bookings

If your business, workplace or group would like to get multiple people vaccinated please contact us. We can work with you to arrange a suitable time and location.