Hoarding Permit Application

When do I need a Hoarding Permit?

A hoarding permit is required for any proposed building works which connects or occupies council land/road reserve/nature-strip. (Local Law 2, Part 5.1)

Who can apply for an application?

Anyone can apply (Owners, Building Surveyors and Contractors).

What information do I need to supply with my application?

  • Completed application.
  • Certificate Of Currency – Public Liability having a minimum cover of $10,000,000 and must be valid for the duration of the proposed works.
  • Detailed fully dimensioned plan.
  • Traffic Management Plan will also be required where no clear pedestrian access (minimum 1.5m walkway) can be provided within the nature strip. The traffic management plan must be in accordance with AS 1742.3-2009 prepared by a qualified person as required by the Road Management Act 2004 and Road Safety Act 1986.
  • A courtesy letter must be sent to neighbours affected by the works, including name and contact details of the site supervisor/builder in charge of the works, relevant traffic plans and length of works.

What are detailed fully dimensioned plans?

  • Site plan nomination location of hoardings etc. with dimensions (a neat hand drawn plan is acceptable).
  • Location of kerbs, building line, nearest intersecting street, street furniture, signs, power poles, traffic lights, litter bins, bus stops, street trees etc.
  • Details of the type of hoarding proposed (i.e. sections, elevations, structural details).
  • Signage and any safety measures (i.e. ramps for pedestrians) that will be used while the proposed work is carried out.
  • Signage advising pedestrians must be provided in accordance with AS 1742.3-2009 including T8-1 PEDESTRIANS WATCH YOUR STEP and sign T8-2 PEDESTRIANS with direction arrows.

Are there any fees associated with the application? If so, how do I make payment?

Associated fees include an application fee and an additional weekly fee (number of weeks required). Payments will be made electronically during the application process below.

Service  Unit Fee
 Application fee each $197.00
 Weekly fee per week $106.00


How long should I expect for an approval?

Applications will be assessed within 10 business days on receipt of a complete application

How do I apply for a Permit?

Apply for a Hoarding permit