Traffic Calming

Traffic calming, also known as Local Area Traffic Management, aims to slow motorists who are inadvertently travelling above the speed limit in residential areas by installing road humps, traffic islands or other obstructions.

The aim is to:

  • Lower traffic speeds
  • Discourage non-local traffic
  • Lower the volume of traffic

There is a wide range of traffic calming devices that can be considered which are listed below:

Entry Statement: A main road intersecting with a minor road, there is paving at the entry to the minor road with a road divider and traffic void area.


Road Hump: A bump that rises above the surface of the roadway and spans its width. It is marked to indicate it is a different level to the road surface.


Slow point: A slow point aims to reduce vehicle speeds by narrowing a short section of roadway. A Slow Point may have plants on the side of the short narrow section of roadway.


Modified T-intersection: Intersections that have a constructed kerbed blister on the kerb at the head of a T-intersection and where possible central curved medians to affect a change in a vehicle’s travel path. There is planting on the blister.


Roundabout: A well designed roundabout is a safe and effective form of intersection control that can be installed on both four legged and three-legged intersections. It has a central island with a void area on each leg of the island leading up to the central roundabout.




While traffic calming has its benefits, it is not the answer to all local traffic problems. Please be aware that traffic calming cannot:

  • Remove all through traffic
  • Eliminate hoon-like behaviour
  • Prevent traffic accidents
  • Prevent drivers from speeding
  • Solve parking problems

Please be aware that traffic calming is expensive, and Council will not consider the installation of one-off traffic calming devices. Traffic calming devices cannot be installed on steep or unsealed roads, or on roads carrying high volumes of traffic.

Many common local traffic problems should be referred to the police, (for example, hooning or speeding) or to council’s Civic Compliance (e.g. illegal parking) for enforcement of the relevant laws. Potential Impacts: Residents should be aware of effects that may happen in areas where traffic calming has been put in place, including:

  • Loss of street parking
  • Increase in noise and fumes next to the traffic calming structures due to slowing down and then gathering speed
  • Increased glare at night from car lights and additional street lighting
  • Increased maintenance costs to council
  • Increase in traffic volume in neighbouring streets
  • Slower access for emergency vehicles

Removal of traffic calming devices

Removing or modifying a traffic calming device can result in motorists travelling at higher speeds. Often traffic calming devices are installed as part of a new development or where speeding issues have been identified and their effectiveness is compromised if the devices are removed or modified.