If you're a local tourist-oriented service or business, you can apply for tourist attraction and services signage. These signs play a crucial role in the Mildura region by helping visitors find their way and discover tourist spots, precincts, businesses, and community facilities.
To get approval for signage, the process follows the 'Tourist Signing Guidelines' developed by Tourism Victoria and VicRoads in collaboration with local Councils. To be eligible, your business must primarily focus on tourism.
To help you determine eligibility and complete the application, there are Tourism Signage Guidelines available. Council will handle your application and may forward it to the VicRoads Regional Signing Officer if needed. You can expect to hear back from Council within 14 days of submitting your application.
If you have any questions about eligibility, design, or wording for your proposal, it's recommended to reach out to Council's Visitor Information Centre staff for assistance.