Legal Point of Discharge Permit
What is a Legal Point of Discharge?
A legal point of discharge is the point specified by Council where stormwater from a property must be discharged. An example is shown on the following plan.
When do you need a Legal Point of Discharge permit?
A Legal Point of Discharge Permit is required as part of a Building Permit where building works include a stormwater drainage system. (Building Regulations 2018; Reg. 133(2))
Who can apply for a permit?
You can only apply for a legal point of discharge permit if you are the property owner, or you are the owner’s agent, for example, their builder, plumber or building consultant.
What information do I need to supply with my application?
- Completed application.
- Detailed fully dimensioned site plan.
- Copy of Certificate of the Title Plan.
What are detailed fully dimensioned plans?
- Site plan of proposed development works with dimensions.
- Location of proposed building works.
Are there any fees associated with the application? If so, how do I make payment?
Associated fees include a single payment of $231.40 (inclusive of GST). Payments will be made electronically during the application process below.
For clarification or further information please contact the Engineering Development Team on 03 5018 8100 or email helpdesk:
How long will it take to assess the application?
Applications will be assessed within 10 business days from the day we receive a complete application. Should additional information be required from you to assess your application, we will contact you to request this information. This request for additional information may delay the assessment process.
How do I apply for a Permit?
Apply for Legal Point of Discharge Permit
Other permits and requirements
For works on any local roads you will need to apply for a Road Opening Permit. Find out more at Road Opening Permit (
If your legal point of discharge is on a declared road you also need to get consent from VicRoads. You can find out more on the Working within the road reserve page on the VicRoads website.
Declared roads include freeways, arterial roads, and non-arterial state roads. You can check your road on the Map of DTP roads page on the VicRoads website.
- Who is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the stormwater pipe from the house to the Council drainage system?
The Legal Point of Discharge Permit will tell you where the point of discharge is on your property. Installation and maintenance of the storm water system within the property and from the property to the legal point of discharge is the responsibility of the property owner.
- Where can I access the Mildura Rural City Council standard design drawings?
Council’s Standard Drawings can be downloaded at
- Where can I access information regarding Council's stormwater system in relation to my property?
You can request information regarding Council’s stormwater system via the Before You Dig Australia website.