Waste education

Council’s Waste Education and Project Officer, provide talks and workshops on waste education with residents, schools, community groups and businesses in our Local Government Area.  

Sessions are interactive, fun, flexible and can be tailored to suit the needs of any group. We can combine topics and activities to suit your specific requirements. Sessions are normally an hour, but can be as short as a 20 to 30-minute talk or a longer two-hour workshop.

Some topics include:

  • The four-bin kerbside system
  • The 4R's - Rethink, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle more effectively
  • What happens to our waste once it leaves the kerbside?
  • Be an Eco Shopper: How to shop to reduce waste
  • Community programs and waste services available for residents

Some activity options include:

Hands-on waste audits

Take on the role of waste master and sort through your waste. Develop an action plan for your school, community group or business to reduce your waste production.

Mildura Landfill and Mildura Eco Village tours

See where waste goes after it is collected from your kerbside and what happens to it. Tour the Eco House, Education Centre and Community Garden at Mildura Eco Village and learn about why it is important to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle and buy local and in season.

Mini landfill experiments

Observe what happens to different waste products in the landfill environment and explore alternatives to landfill.

Waste Education games

Learn what goes in each bin with interactive and fun relay and tag games.

Beeswax wrap-making workshop

Create your own beeswax wraps and find out how easy it is. Learn about sustainable alternatives to help reduce waste 

Life cycle analysis

Track a product through its entire lifecycle. You will be amazed to learn how much energy goes into producing a single hamburger.

Talks and workshops are available weekdays (including school holidays) and evenings. Please call to discuss weekend workshops. We can come to you, or you can visit our facilities as an excursion. Bookings for all talks and workshops are essential.

If you are interested contact Council on 03 5018 8100