Youth Parliament Team

The YMCA Victorian Youth Parliament is a program designed to give young Victorians an opportunity to participate in the parliamentary processes in the Victorian State Government.

It is a chance for young Victorians to advocate on issues they are passionate about and relevant to young people's lives.

A team of six participants receive public speaking and leadership training, attend residential camps and research issues they are passionate about. From this research, participants will develop a Bill that they will debate in the Victorian Parliament over three days in July 2025.

The program provides participants with great personal and professional development opportunities, and the bills handed to the relevant Ministers provide the government with awareness into what issues are important to young Victorians.

The program involves two residential camps at YMCA Lake Dewar Discovery Camp, Myrniong. The training weekend prepares participants on parliamentary etiquette, public speaking, media training with skill development sessions in leadership and confidence.

The Youth Parliament program culminates in a week-long residential camp, including three days of debate in Parliament House. The remainder of the time is spent at the campsite in preparation and taking part in advocacy and leadership-building sessions.


This opportunity is funded by Mildura Rural City Council and YMCA at no cost to successful applicants.

Expressions of Interest

Expressions of Interest for 2025 have now closed. We will announce the successful applicants soon.

For further information or assistance with the application, please contact the Youth Development Officer on 0457 926 238 or 03 5018 8100 or email

What our 2024 Youth Parliament team said…



“Participating in the Youth Parliament and having the opportunity to sit in the houses of the Parliament House of Victoria to present a bill with my team was absolutely incredible. Alongside gaining new connections throughout the program, I enhanced my public speaking, debating and advocacy skills. I highly recommend becoming a participant in 2025 as the program is genuinely an amazing chance to represent the interests of young people living in regional Victoria” – Evelyn

“Representing Mildura in Youth Parliament was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that has significantly broadened my horizons. From the public speaking skills I've gathered to the lifelong friends I've made from towns all across Victoria, this experience has been beneficial to my growth in my final year of schooling. Youth Parliament has helped me solidify my future plans at university and allowed me to gain important life experiences that will help me with my future aspirations. Youth Parliament is definitely an opportunity I would recommend to all!” – Lani

“Being a part of the Youth Parliament program is really an eye opening experience. Having the opportunity to be so passionate about the things you care about, and have people actually listen is so important, and the people you meet along the way will become your lifelong friends. There is so much to gain if you choose to do Youth Parliament.” – Kacy

“Being a member of the parliament team really opened my eyes to new, out of the box experiences. Its an amazing experience and I heavily encourage everyone to take the opportunity.” – Emily

Want to know more about the Youth Parliament team?

Our team have had great success with Bills passed including: 

Mildura-Passenger-Train-Restoration-Bill-2022.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Increased-Environmentally-Sustainable-Strategies-Bill-2023-Passed.pdf(PDF, 285KB)

Increased-Housing-Affordability-for-Tertiary-Students-Bill-2024.pdf(PDF, 119KB)