Gender equality


Mildura Rural City Council is committed to gender equality and the prevention of gendered violence in the workplace and in the community.  We are invested in supporting our staff, Councillors and the community to work together to bring about significant positive change.

Why is gender equality important?

Gender equality affects everyone, and we all experience it in different ways – from gender stereotypes to wage differences to how people are treated based on their ethnicity – gender equality (and inequality) can be seen across the community.

Studies show that communities with greater levels of gender equality are healthier, safer and more economically stable.

  • Gender equality prevents violence against women and girls - Gender inequality it a key driver when it comes to violence against women. When gender roles are challenged, women are shown respect and violence against women is not condoned, gender equality is strengthened and levels of family violence and violence against women decreases.
  • Gender equality is good for the economy - The numbers tell the story: -
    • Australia's GDP would increase by 11% if the gender employment gap was closed.
    • The Australian economy  would gain $8 billion if women transitioned from tertiary education into the workforce at the same rate as men.
    • Businesses with at least 30% women in leadership positions are 15% more profitable.
    • Family violence costs the Victorian economy more than $3.4 billion per year and takes up 40% of police work.
    • Women do most unpaid care work. This has major costs - Australia's unpaid care economy is nearly six times larger than the paid economy.*
  • Gender equality is a human right
  • Gender equality makes our communities safer and healthier – Communities with the highest rates of overall health and wellbeing are those with greater levels of gender equality.  Communities with unequal rights, responsibilities and opportunities see higher rates of violence, are less safe and have lower levels of overall wellbeing.

Gender Equality Action Plan

Mildura Rural City Council is committed to promoting gender equality and the prevention of violence against women in the workplace and in the community. As an employer of over 600 individual staff, Council has a responsibility to ensure all employees, their families and potential future employees are treated with dignity, respect and are

given equitable opportunities to grow their careers and develop both professionally and personally. By ensuring these opportunities, we hope to spread the benefits of Gender Equality throughout the wider community.

The Gender Equality Act 2020 (the Act) requires the public sector, Councils, and universities to take positive action towards achieving workplace gender equality within their organisations. In 2021, Council developed its first Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP), identifying actions to increase gender equality within Mildura Rural City Council

for staff and Councillors. Our Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP)(PDF, 1MB)  identifies actions to increase gender equality within our organisation for staff and Councillors.  While this is an internally focused document, it will support our staff to share their knowledge throughout their communities.

The GEAP has been endorsed by the Gender Equality Commissioner and will be reviewed and reported on periodically.

The Act requires a progress report to be submitted to the Public Sector Gender Equality Commissioner (the Commissioner) every second Year. The Progress Report is a way for Council and the Commissioner to evaluate the success of our Gender Equality Action Plan.

GEAP-Report-2021-2023.pdf(PDF, 2MB)

For more information about the GEAP or how you could implement similar actions in your business or community group please email our Human Resources Unit or call us on 03 5018 8100.

Preventing violence through community sport

From August 2022, Mildura Rural City Council will be working with local sporting clubs to pilot a two-year program aimed at giving women and girls opportunities to participate more equitably on and off the field. 

We will work with soccer, cricket and football-netball clubs to help stop violence against women before it starts by building a culture of equality, respect and safety. This will be achieved by using a whole-of-sport gender equality and primary prevention of gender-based violence model.

The program will use the Victorian State Government’s Guidelines for Preventing Violence Against Women - Taking Action Through Community Sport and is made possible thanks to funding through the Victorian State Government's Preventing Violence Through Sport grants program.